HRA Gym Cost Reimbursement_ Not So Fast Says IRS

HRA Gym Cost Reimbursement? Not So Fast Says IRS

The IRS has issued a new bulletin, reminding Americans that funds in tax-advantaged medical savings accounts cannot be used to pay for general health and wellness expenses. The bulletin focuses on medical savings accounts that employers will often sponsor, including flexible spending accounts (FSAs), health reimbursement arrangements (HRAs) and health savings accounts (HSAs), which are…

Insurance Commissioner Orders Workers’ Comp Rate Reduction

California Insurance Commissioner Ricardo Lara has issued an order that cuts the average advisory workers’ compensation benchmark rate across all classes by 2.6%, starting Sept. 1. After holding a public hearing in June, Lara rejected the Workers’ Compensation Insurance Rating Bureau’s recommendation that the benchmark rate increase 0.3%. The difference between the WCIRB-proposed rate and…

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Your Cheat Sheet for International Roadcheck

The 2023 International Roadcheck is slated for May 16-18, a high-visibility, high-volume inspection and enforcement push by the Commercial Vehicle Safety Alliance. During this annual three-day event, CVSA-certified inspectors fan out across the United States, Canada and Mexico to inspect commercial vehicles and drivers at weigh and inspection stations, as well as designated inspection areas…